
Western Europe
Time Zone
(5 hours ahead of US Eastern)
Geographical Area
91,985 Sq. km (35,515 sq. miles)
10 Million (approximately)
80% Catholic; 20% Other.
Republic (Democracy)
No visas required for US citizens.
No vaccinations required.
Good emergency health care.
Travel Tips
- English widely spoken.
- Good driving conditions.
- Normal personal safety precautions.
- Good public transportation.
- Formal attire (Casinos/top restaurants).
- Recommended tip (Rest./Bar/Taxi)10%.
- Good credit cards and ATM facilities.
- Tax free shopping for tourists.



You can be sure of a warm welcome to Portugal. This hospitable country on the southwestern edge of Europe has a host of attractions for visitors – a superb climate, splendid sandy beaches, beautiful scenery and a rich history.
Many ancient civilizations contributed to the wealth of historic cities and monuments that are a constant feature throughout the country.
Early Portuguese navigators helped to shape the world and brought back cultural influences, reflected in the country's magnificent palaces and museums.
Portugal's contrasting tourist regions include the green and mountainous north, the cosmopolitan Lisbon coast and Algarve's splendid beaches. The lush sub-tropical island of Madeira and the idyllic Azores islands, have their own distinct characteristics.

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Portugal's capital has a unique blend of picturesque old quarters and modern amenities. As a result of hosting the World Expo in 1998, the city has undergone a complete facelift and can now boast having the world's largest oceanarium, as well as one of Europe's largest shopping centers.
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Portugal's southern province was the last part of the territory to be conquered from the Moors by the Portuguese King in 1292 and the Moorish influenced architecture is still a prominent feature of the Algarve, with its ornate chimneys and white washed houses.
Azores go >>
A paradise for nature lovers, the nine island archipelago is situated in the middle of the Atlantic between Europe an North America. The tranquil setting of volcanic cones and craters, emerald green and sapphire blue lakes, fertile prairies covered with colorful hydrangeas and picturesque villages, is ideal for rest and relaxation.
Estoril / Cascais
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This elegant beach resort area is situated on the outskirts of Lisbon, only half hour by train or car, from the city center. With its mansions and manicured gardens, was favored by the Portuguese Royal family and is still home to some European exiled monarchs, as well as many of the Portuguese 'Rich and Famous'.
Madeira go >>
A beautiful rugged island with lush vegetation and spectacular scenery, situated approximately 400 miles off the coast of North Africa. Discovered in 1419 by Portuguese Navigators, the archipelago of volcanic origin also includes the island of Porto Santo and some uninhabited islands.